Sunday, April 9, 2017

Warhammer 30K- Storm Raven

One of the hobbies I have is wargaming. One of the game I enjoy the most is the Warhammer series by Games Workshop. I have been reading the Horus Heresy books since the first one came out and have been building a 30k army since The Betrayal at Calth box sets came out.

Recently I purchased a Storm Raven by GW and have started to build it. It is a great kit with some typical large vehicle issues. I've completed the interior and here's what I have done:

Looking into the crew compartment from the front. You can see the troop seats and contol panels on each side and the back ramp. I have gone for a realistic military look to the interior using my experiences in the Army and lots of time spent in both M113s and M577s. The interior was airbrushed a flat white to start. then washes applied to each corner and low points. The seats were painted burnt umber and the control panels detailed out.

Cables and wiring were painted in various colors to stand out against the dirty white background. Yellow was used on the monitors to symbolise data streams.

The deck grating was painted boltgun metal then washed with a strong tone brown.

You can see just how big this model is going to be once I place a SGT into the troop compartment.

The main issues with the model are the gaps in the major pieces. This issue will be fixed by green stuff liberally applied to these gaps prior to the priming and painting of the exterior.

You may well ask, "Thorny! Why are you spending so much time painting the inside when you will only be able to see it if you open the front troop hatch?"

I'll know it's painted. Why half-ass something when you can do it the right way?

OK- I'll post updates to this as it happens. See you guys later!